Gettin' there, kids. This is a new studio rough of "South Street" as recorded and produced by the great Dave McKittrick, who also added his own stolid guitar work to the track, including a gorgeous lead. Later will come drums, bass, horns, an organ and whatever else we can think of. Thanks again Dave for guiding this through with me.
South Street 2
Muses about music, musicians, and musical interludes of all sorts. Also, chronicling the creation of an album of original songs, by a guy who figures he might as well.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Song of the Week 8/8/10 - "South Street"

The other day I was reading a professional songwriter's blog wherein he suggested a good exercise was to write one song per week, as short as 50 seconds, as a way to build up one's chops and to keep thinking of different ways to write and compose. I think it's a great idea, so today launches my Song of the Week project. Some of the songs may end up becoming finished products and some may not -- we'll have to see what I can come up with. The goal is simple and realistic enough, and since it's an exercise I'm not gonna worry about whether every song is a keeper. Most probably won't be, but I'll at least have plenty to choose from.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Song of the Week 8/02/10 "I Will Stay With You"

"I Will Stay With You" is a heartfelt love song, but like most of my love songs I wanted a harsh and sad edge to it, and I think I succeeded. It is (of course) not quite finished -- it needs some variation in the chords, as well as an intro and bridge, but I think I'm on the right track.
I almost ran off the rails at one point, in that as I was singing the melody I kept hearing a similar song in my head (not one of mine, not saying whose) and it was a genuine struggle not to veer off into the same progression on some of the phrases. But ultimately I succeeded.
Other than that, there really isn't much more to say, except I like what the bridge says about me 'cause that's exactly how I feel sometimes. Not sure I ever could have expressed it in mere words.
As always, suggestions are welcome, as are your own whacks at this and any of the other songs.
I Will Stay With You
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